Thursday, September 17, 2015

Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Physical Interconnectivity

I have slowly had to change mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I can look back and see that all of those branches were involved in making me hidden, broken, fat, self-loathing, etc. To be a healthy person (not just having a healthy body - remember this is NOT just physical), I had to believe like a healthy person, think like a healthy person, feel like a healthy person, and behave like a healthy person. For me, this is what that looks like:

Believe like a healthy person:

Believe that you are special and loved and worth more than all the money on earth. Believe that you are irreplaceable and infinitely valuable to every person on earth, you have something to contribute, you have talents and abilities that are for a purpose. You owe it to yourself to be your best self and you owe it to all who watch you to inspire them.

Think and Feel like a healthy person:

Mental and emotional are hard for me to separate so I'm going to explain them together. You have to nurture your own small child that lives within you. When you nurture that child you speak to yourself differently. Often people aren't aware of what they say to themselves because it's so second nature we sometimes don't even recognize it as a voice but merely a thought. Think of it as a voice! You can change what you say! When you mess up, what do you say? Do you say "Oh I'm such an idiot" or anything along those lines? Those words are damaging your mental and emotional self! You must nurture inner child. When you mess up, forgive yourself. When you are sad, take the time to feel what you feel and know that your feelings are important and worth the time you spend on yourself. When you are angry, take the time to feel it all the way through and don't turn it on yourself, you are angry at something and you are allowed to feel it!

To think and feel like a healthy person you must walk around with the knowledge that you deserve peace, time, and tranquility. You deserve to process at your own speed, and to take care of your own needs first. When you are having negative thoughts or feelings, don't stuff them inside because you don't have time for that now. Give yourself that time because you need it! Others will have to wait. the more you practice the more efficiently you'll be able to handle this but at first you'll just have to demand time from yourself.

Be connected spiritually like a healthy person:

This is similar to mental and emotional. I touched on what you owe to the world to take care of you. That stems from this spiritual health standpoint. Whether you believe in God or any Higher Power or not, most can feel that they are connected to the world in some way. All people have a connectivity and we have a connectivity with all of life which stretches to the earth and the stars. Every affects us and we in turn affect everything. If there were a building full of people would you want to release a poison into that air? If so, seek immediate psychological help. But assuming you'd say, "Of course not"! Think of yourself, your person, your energy as something you release into the air. You affect people, the atmosphere, and nature positively or negatively. Smiles are contagious, positivity and good, strong energy are contagious. Negativity, laziness, and anger are contagious too. So what are you releasing into the air? Are you healthy for human consumption? Or are you poison? Whether you think people are watching you or not, they are! If you become your healthiest self, you WILL inspire others and you WILL see a change in the people who come into your life and you WILL see people leave your life. You will have changed the structure of your space by changing your health.

Behave like a healthy person:

Healthy people don't eat to the point of sickness. Healthy people know ahead of time what amount is proper for their goals. They have "body goals" and don't live aimlessly or guided by how they feel. They plan ahead and know what is good for them because their bodies are important to them. We don't buy a phone, a computer, or a car without knowing what it can do, what it needs, and how to take care of it and you certainly shouldn't own your body without knowing these things too. Healthy people do the research and learn what their body needs.

Healthy people don't eat food that has been covered in flour or bread and soaked in oil. They choose foods that LOOK like a picture of the foods they are eating. Rather than coming to that food at the end of it's processing, they are part of the process of taking that food from it's natural state to the plate. Be a part of that food getting into your body. Experience the look, feel, smell, and taste of it. You are not putting food in your mouth for any other reason than to fuel the body that you love and that requires care!

Healthy people don't eat plates full of browns, whites, and yellows. They eat plates full of colors and textures. Eating is an experience that brings you to life not an experience that is numbing you to existing. Think about the care you put into your car, cell phone, or computer. You likely put fuel in your car, change your oil, keep it tuned up, keep it working in proper order for safety, right? You likely buy a case for your phone, you don't set it down on bathroom floors or other nasty places, you probably give it a wipe down and keep it clean and safe, right? You likely keep your computer updated, have a virus protection program, and take care to not break it, right? But too many people don't even treat their own bodies this way.

Fuel your body properly, give it all the nutrients it needs, move your body, get sun and oxygen and water, see the doctor for checkups, take your vitamins, eat your vegetables, keep yourself in good working order, taking care of your body is your insurance policy for your future. It doesn't mean you won't get sick or get a disease/illness, or die. But it will make you strong enough to fight a disease/illness and it will make getting to your last days full of more good feelings than bad ones.

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